Do you understand the January 1, 2018 HMDA deadline?
As Dodd-Frank veterans across the country start gearing up to implement new HMDA requirements, understanding the various deadlines - most...
Will new HMDA rule uncover steering issues that you might resolve NOW?
So we'll deal with the new HMDA changes when they come, not before, right? Right! But be careful that the HMDA changes don't uncover...
New HMDA Requirements: Pros/Cons
Here's your "two-minute" talk on the new HMDA requirements. The CFPB represents the largest regulatory change to the mortgage industry...
How will your institution avoid the perfect storm of annual HMDA reporting and ATR/QM implementation
With the Ability-to-Repay and Qualified Mortgage rule (ATR/QM) set to crash into our industry, we're wondering whether organizations are...