Understand which vendors need extreme vetting per CFPB
Which vendors require due diligence, written contracts, and all the rest? CFPB-regulated institutions are required "to have an effective...
The Appraisal Disclosure on quickly denied loans?
ECOA (aka Reg. B) requires us to disclose to mortgage borrowers that they have the right to receive any appraisal or valuation that we...
Options for Appraisal Review Independence?
Starting to make some sense of overlapping appraiser independence requirements. In addition to some state laws and uniform appraisal...
How Will New HMDA Reporting Requirements Change the Way we Think About Broader Issues?
A look ahead to the issues we'll face after the new HMDA Rule takes full effect. We know that the number of HMDA fields that will be...
Can you order the appraisal before getting intent-to-proceed?
Looking for ways to speed up the mortgage process, perhaps only in special cases where you're willing to gamble on a good borrower? We...