What do you disclose when a loan originator license is suspended mid-application?
You ask, we answer. Question A friend of mine sent me this compliance question a while ago: What happens when a loan originator's NMLS...

TRID Timing and Christmas/NYE Holidays this Year
This is our first year with the TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosures and we don't want anyone to miss a deadline for Loan Estimate or...

Are you delaying closing unnecessarily? (Define "product" change for TRID compliance)
TRID requires a new 3-day waiting period when the loan product is changed(note also when APR changes). But what do they mean by...

Should you be disclosing Closing Disclosures without all the contact information?
And by "contact information," I mean all the stuff on page 5 related to the lender, real estate brokers, and settlement agents. You know,...

Are you disclosing broker compensation correctly?
A quickie on broker compensation. Do you sometimes work with or as a mortgage broker? Maybe you broker out FHA loans because you don't...