How to disclose a blanket loan?
Not something you see every day, so let's take a look through a loan scenario where we need to disclose a blanket loan. A blanket loan is...

Social media compliance, new CFPB TRID webinar
Some thoughts on social media compliance and addressing one issue from the CFPB's new TRID webinar from yesterday So I was going to write...

When to NOT disclose a revised Loan Estimate.
It's important to understand not only what the rules require, but what they do not require. (Common e-mail example) Dear Ben, We're...

Where do you disclose closing costs related to a simultaneous second loan?
Follow-up to previous newsletter. So you might have seen our earlier newsletter on issues related to disclosing simultaneous second lien...

How to disclose a Gift of Equity with TRID?
Hope that everyone is having a safe and fun holiday season so far, and that you're getting extra time to spend with family and friends....