Are No-Verification Loans Making a Comeback?
You've probably heard the rumors or even seen advertisements. Mortgage loan with no income or asset verification! ("Just sign and...

Figuring out HELOCs: Late Charges, Prepayment Penalties and More (Massachusetts - heavy)
An area that's due for some clarity - HELOC lending pursuant to Federal and Massachusetts rules regarding late charges and prepayment...

Do You Disclose MI Termination on TRID Disclosures? (trick question)
This is an item coming up in exams, so take 5 minutes and make sure your system is doing this correctly. Let's do a little Q & A ......

Don't give out disclosures that don't apply to that particular borrower.
Talking about the Massachusetts rule on blank disclosures ... "Hey should that disclosure go out in this package or not?" "Eh, who cares,...