TILA Showing Down Day 1 Certainty Implementation?
Regulations are often blamed for stifling innovation - how many new and unique loan products have we seen lately? You see similar...

Focus on Counties, not Towns, to Avoid Redlining Allegations
A significant shift in policy that you should be aware of if your institution is subject to Consumer Reinvestment Act requirements. ...

Underwriting to "Shadow Rent" in Compliance with Ability-to-Repay/QM Rules?
Getting some attention because of Fannie Mae's HomeReady and other innovative programs, this is an interesting question to review "Shadow...

4-Step Self-Assessment for Fair Lending Pricing Problems
You probably wonder if your attention to fair lending pricing issues is overkill. Could you be using your time more wisely? Well I...

Ben - Duplicate Template
You know, I could have put in a clickbate headline like "Click to see biggest improvement to customer service in mortgage banking (which...