Can you order the appraisal before getting intent-to-proceed?
Looking for ways to speed up the mortgage process, perhaps only in special cases where you're willing to gamble on a good borrower? We...

When does APR become "inaccurate" under TRID?
We're here today to debunk two myths that have arisen with the TRID rule- not without some help from the CFPB. We know the last thing you...

Does it violate Appraiser Independence to pay more for properties over $1 million?
The Appraiser Independence Rules are new. Just came in 2010. So we don't have a ton of information on how they will be interpreted. But...

E-mail and the "Mailbox Rule" with TRID
Here's an issue that maybe is popping up for you during TRID implementation. So you're going to make greater use of electronic delivery...

Remember not to underwrite Jumbos under the Temporary QM exemption
This is old news to most people, I'm sure. But since we're hearing rumors that some lenders are still qualifying jumbo mortgages as "QM"...