Incorporate Massachusetts fair lending rules into ECOA disclosures?
Addressing some nuances in fair lending/ECOA rules. So I received this question from a friend the other day: I wanted to reach out to...

HMDA changes, Mortgage Servicing, Fair Lending, and more!
Yesterday, we at SCA were fortunate enough to be able to present to Southern New England Credit Grantors (www.snecg.org) on the upcoming...

Waiving overdraft fees: Fair lending concerns in 2017
Make sure you're safe here We all know Federal regulators are playing close attention to overdraft protection products. Take, for...

Will new HMDA rule uncover steering issues that you might resolve NOW?
So we'll deal with the new HMDA changes when they come, not before, right? Right! But be careful that the HMDA changes don't uncover...