Should You Delay Appraisal Delivery Until After Review?
A common grip from borrowers - could compliance concerns be getting in the way unnecessarily? Sick of borrowers complaining "Where is my...
HMDA Exemptions for Commercial Loans
Let's build off of last week's newsletter and discuss the significance of identifying a loan as business-purpose. So last week we...
HMDA: Distinction Between Consumer-Purpose and Business-Purpose Loans
Let's discuss an old regulatory definition that will become more important when HMDA revisions take effect. Distinction Gets More...
Refresher on When a Revised Loan Estimate is NOT Necessary
Seems like a good time to revisit this, as lenders continue to get more comfortable with TRID requirements and start to shred...
Increase in Fair Lending Attention Paid to Loan Servicing?
Maybe ignored more often by servicing departments, fair lending is now becoming an issue that deserves at least some attention. Driven by...