Practical Tips for HMDA Week 1
When regulatory requirements impact strategic or management action, our goal is to help business leaders make well-informed decisions....

Answering a Few Questions on the New HMDA Rules
A few weeks ago I published the slides to a presentation I did on the new HMDA rules. One slide, slide 33, had questions with no answers....

HMDA changes, Mortgage Servicing, Fair Lending, and more!
Yesterday, we at SCA were fortunate enough to be able to present to Southern New England Credit Grantors (www.snecg.org) on the upcoming...

Open-End Lines of Credit Under the New HMDA Rules
I wrote previously about the new HMDA rules, and how they are changing our vocabulary a bit. The new vocabulary includes new, broader...

Covered Loans Under HMDA
The old HMDA rules required financial institutions to report on applications, originations, and purchases of home purchase loans, home...