How do you handle the death of a primary mortgagor?
Tackling an issue you've seen more than once if you service mortgage loans. Does this sound familiar? A borrower passes away leaving a...

Zillow Co-Marketing and Marketing Service Agreements (MSAs)
Last week we drifted into CRA issues, and risked losing half our mortgage banking readers. But we're back on track this week to put the...

Do you need to modify your CRA assessment area? Here's a 6-Step Process ...
I apologize to readers at mortgage companies, but the compliance straight talk for today is on the Community Reinvestment Act. Struggling...

LO Comp. and distinguishing between Refinance and Purchase
Some thoughts on the issue of complying with the Loan Originator Compensation Rule when it makes good business sense to pay an originator...

What do you know about the VA's Qualified Mortgage?
Some thoughts on how the VA is dealing with the QM Rule. In honor of Veterans Day, we'd like to provide a basic intro. into the Veterans...